Digital Magazine for Whinchat Research and Conservation

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Content of Volume II

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Whinchat in Upper Austria

Population trend of the Whinchat in Upper Austria 1996 to 2016 and results about breeding success.

Author: Hans Uhl

4 pages

Whinchat in Lüchow-Dannenberg

The population size of the Whinchat in a part of the region of Lüchow-Dannenberg decreases again in 2017.

Author: Christoph Siems-Wedhorn

4 pages

Conservation Project in Upper Franconia

2017 a Whinchat conservation project was founded in three administrative districts, Kulmbach, Hof and Kronach, in north-eastern Upper Franconia (Bavaria, Germany).

Author:  Laura Tschernek

2 pages

Saxonian Meadow Birds project

First results of the Saxonian Meadow Birds Project which started in 2016. 

Authors: Christina Scheinpflug & Marit Deumlich

21 pages

Saxonian Meadow Birds Project - Attachment

An attachment with data about all documented meadow bird territories of the Saxonian Meadow Birds Project.

Author: Christina Scheinpflug & Marit Deumlich

6 pages


Whinchat in the county of Salz-wedel

Experimental increase of Whinchat territories by using artificial fences in the county Salzwedel (Germany, Saxony-Anhalt)

Author:  Olaf Olejnik

7 pages

Availability of inver-tebrates as food for the Whinchat

Availablility of invertebrates as food for the Whinchat in the vicinity of Bad Steben (Upper Franconia, Germany)

Authors: Wolfgang Holzinger, Margarete Siering, Jürgen Feulner, David Fröhlich, Lorenz Wido Gunczy, Senta Huemer & Lydia Schlosser

5 pages

Whinchats in the Murnauer Moos

To support the local population, meadow stripes were left uncut in 2016. In the following breeding season, the number of whinchats holding territories in one of the monitored areas increased by one third compared to 2016. 

Authors: Heiko T. Liebel & Wolfgang Goymann

7 pages

Delayed mowing in Ireland

The Shannon Callows is the Whinchats breeding population stronghold in Ireland and therefore an appropriate location for conservation action. As in Europe, delayed mowing is urgently required to halt the decline of this vulnerable species.

Authors: Aimée Gray, Alex S. Copland, Kieran Kenny & Barry J. McMahon 

2 pages

Population estima-tion and breeding success at Geltsdale

 Distance sampling was found to under-estimate the known population of whinchats at Geltsdale but provided a better index than transect counts.

Authors: Elinor Ames

7 pages

News & Thoughts about Whinchats

Four short contributions from four renowned authors.

Authors: Katharina Bergmüller, Jennifer Border, Will Cresswell, Davorin Tome

5 pages

Paper Show 2017


Abstracts and summaries of new papers with „Whinchat in main focus“ that were

mostly published in 2017.

10 pages